Erosion Control

Erosion control strategies that help keep your yard intact include installing rain gardens, applying mulch, planting soil-stabilizing vegetation and building structures, such as retaining walls and terraces. We offer erosion blankets, silt fencing, hay blowing, hydroseeding and drainage installation for home and professional use.


Hydroseeding is a quick, effective process that involves applying a slurry of seed, water, fertilizer, wood fiber mulch, and sometimes a tackifier – which is a bonding agent – over an area where you want to create a healthy, new lawn. Hydroseed is an alternative to sod, and it can be sprayed over areas of any size, on hillsides or sloped areas, and in hard-to-grow areas of your yard. The hydroseed mixture can also be tailored to each customer’s needs, with different types of grass seed mixtures.

Silt Fencing

We offer both commercial and residential silt fence services. Silt Fence is a temporary sediment barrier that controls erosion, prevents construction related runoff and establishes perimeter control on construction sites.

Erosion Matting

Water runoff can wash away young plants and seedlings before they have an opportunity to establish strong root systems. To counteract this problem, install an erosion control mat. These biodegradable mats, also referred to as erosion control nets and erosion control blankets, hold the soil in place until plantings are established and slowly become part of the soil as they degrade.

Drainage Solutions

Each drainage problem you experience requires a unique solution. Our team of landscape experts will assess your property and help you choose the best drainage option for the size and scope of your issues, including: French drains, surface drains, sump pump, surface regrading, retaining walls and more.

Having professional training ensures our team can evaluate your property and put the right plan in place to address these concerns. Here are some of the ways our team can help:

  • Redirect water to acceptable exit points
  • Prevent soil erosion and stop water from passing through unwanted areas
  • Cleaning and repairing structures like downspouts or gutters
  • Changing soil or plants that can do a better job of absorption or blocking
  • Remove obstacles, create new paths, or add drainage to specific areas